Property Description

Property Information

Price: N/A

Beds: N/A

SQFT: 1630

Property Type: house

Location: 46193 Clear Ridge Rd

Status: sold

Bathroom: N/A

Acres: 307969

Property Sub Type: N/A

Listing Number: N/A

Residential Condominium: N/A

CarPort: N/A

Parking: house

Pool: N/A

Year Built: 1975

Carport Number Of Cars House: N/A

Photo-Voltaic Installed: N/A

Waterfront: N/A

Contact Us About This Listing

Mike Gilson is a realtor you can trust to be honest and transparent, and to best represent your interests, whether you are buying or selling in Big Sur. Mike is a full time resident of Big Sur, California who exclusively represents clients in real estate transactions in Big Sur, and can assist you in making your Big Sur dream become a reality starting today.

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Send a message to realtor Mike Gilson. We specialize in Big Sur, California real estate transactions, having successfully represented many Big Sur buyers and sellers over past two decades.